The 188th Yuelu Economic and Trade Academic Forum
Yi Song: Lecturer, School of Economics, Nankai University, received a Ph.D. in Economics in Hunan University in 2015, and later engaged in postdoctoral research in NationalSchool of Development, Beijing University. Theresearch directionis theresident consumptionand social insurance.
Title:Inclusive Growth after Transition: Income Uncertainty and Consumption Insurance in Urban China
Time:December 21, 2020 (Monday) 10: 00-11: 30a.m.
Venus:Room 108, Electronic building
Host:Associate professor Weiguang Deng, International tradedepartment, School of Economics&Trade, Hunan University
Sponsor:School of Economics&Trade, Hunan University
This paper is the first comprehensive to document the dynamic of income uncertainty and consumption from 1992 to 2013 in urban China. It evolves the market-oriented reform, global financial crisis and the establishment of a labor and social security system for a rapid growing economy. We build yearly and monthly panel data from the Urban Household Survey (UHS). We find that the high point of income uncertainty appeared in 1997, 2000 and 2008. Permanent risk and transitory risk both decrease after 2010, and the declines of permanent risk is more than transitory risk. The improvement in labor policy and social security increase the ability of consumption insurance from 0.7079 to 0.7803 (permanent risk) and from 0.8360 to 0.8547 (transitory risk).
Main post record:
1.“A Tale of Transition: Trends of Catastrophic Health Expenditure and Impoverishment in Urban China, 1986-2009” (With Yishan Zhu, Hong Zou, Hongqiao Fu and Winnie Yip) .Health Syetems&Reform, 2020, 6:1. First author
2.“Accounting for tastes: do low-income populations have a higher preference for spicy foods?” (With Chao Ma, Xueling Yan and Guangchuan Zhao).The Journal of Chinese Sociology, 2018, 5:17. Corresponding author
3.“Engel Curves and Price Elasticity in Urban Chinese Household” (With Lianyou Li and Chao Ma).Economic Modelling, 2015, 44:236–242. Corresponding author