in conjunction with
2022 Tsinghua Symposium Seminar
The”2022 AUA Academic Conference on the Exchange of Asian Civilisations and the Smooth Flow of Trade along the Countries of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in conjunction with 2022TsinghuaSymposium Seminar”jointly hosted by Tsinghua University and Hunan University will be held on August 28, 2022 in Changsha, China. The conference organizing committee also provides online access to participants who prefer to attend the meeting online. The theme of the conference is”The Exchange of Asian Civilisations and the Smooth Flow of Trade along the Countries of the Belt and Road Initiative”.
The conference is calling for papers related to the following research topics:
1. General Research on Belt and Road Initiative
2. Cultural Exchange and Mutual Learning Among Asian Civilisations
3. The Civilisation and International Trade of Modern Asia
4. Inclusive Growth in Asia
5. Sustainable Urban Development in Asia
6. Digital Transformation in Asia
7. Impact of the Belt and Road Initiative on Asian Economies
Date & Time
9:00-18:00 (UTC+8, Beijing Time), August 28th(Sun), 2022
Confirmed Guest Speakers
1. Prof. Pei Changhong, Former Head of the Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences;
2. Prof. Sawada Yasuyuki,School of Economics, The University of Tokyo,Former Chief Economist of Asian Development Bank;
3. Prof. Xu Helian, Professor of the School of Economics and Trade and Dean of Academic Affairs, Hunan University;
4. Prof. Shi Zhiqin, Executive Director of the Institute of Belt and Road Strategy,Tsinghua University, Professor of the Department of International Relations,Tsinghua University;
5. Associate Prof. Fu Yuming,Business School, National University of Singapore.
Asia is one of the earliest human settlements and an important birthplace of human civilisation. Over thousands of years, the people of Asia have created glorious civilisations. Although the COVID-19 pandemic has temporarily blocked many direct people-to-people contacts, people across Asia have adopted a variety of ways to maintain communication and cooperation during the pandemic and the dialogue among civilisations has also continued uninterrupted.
In addition, the regional economic integration in Asia has also progressed during the COVID-19 pandemic. In January 2022, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) came into force, which reflects Asia's firm support for the multilateral trading system and gives new impetus into Asia's economic growth.To deepen regional cooperation, Asian economies should strengthen macroeconomic policy coordination, jointly promote cooperation in the division of labour and supply chain repair, and maintain supply chain stability. In the long run, Asia should strengthen intra-regional cooperation on digitization and green transformation, promote the digitization of industrial chains, enhance its position in the global supply chain and accelerate green transformation and inclusive growth in economic development.
Interested faculty members, researchers and postgraduate students of AUA and non- AUA member universities are welcome to register. All registrants are required to submit abstracts (approximately 1,000 words) or full-text papers. Both published and unpublished works are accepted. The submission of full papers is strongly encouraged but not required. However, registrants who submit a full paper will have a better chance of being invited to present their paper in similar circumstances.
Deadline of Submission
Deadline for abstract and/or full paper submission: August 5 (Fri), 2022
Notification of acceptance: August 10 (Wed), 2022
Abstract/Full-Paper Submission
Interested scholars may submit abstracts or full papers to qhhj@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn. A reply will be sent to you to confirm the reception of your submission.
In your email, please provide:
1) the title and the extended abstract of the paper (and the full paper if you wish to submit it;
2) the names, titles and institutions of all co-authors;
3) the name of the presenter;
4) the conference topic that you register for; and
5) whether you prefer to attend the conference online or offline.
All participants are exempted from the registration fee. For participants from AUA member universities, the organizing committee will provide free local accommodations if they attend the conference offline and consider covering part of the travel costs where appropriate.
The conference organizing committee will select 3-5 best papers, which will be presented“Best Paper Award”.
Conference Format
Both online and offline participation are supported. Offline participation is encouraged, and online participation is also available for those who cannot attend the conference offline.
There will be keynote speeches in the morning of August 28th, followed by paper presentations and concurrent panel discussions in the afternoon. The specific format will be communicated to the participants in due course according to the submission.