【1】主持.国家社科基金(青年)项目,批准号:16CSH072,人口与经济结构性失衡下婚姻挤压风险的精准测评及对策研究,2016.12-至今 结项中
【3】主持2021年威廉希尔williamhill资政项目SKXJ2021005 “放大‘一带一部’区位优势对接粤港澳大湾区产业梯度转移的策略研究”
1.Deng, Weiguang, Xue Li* and Zijun Luo. “A Model of Police Financing through Income and Consumption Taxes.” 2022. Scottish Journal of Political Economy. 通讯作者;SSCI;IF=0.913;院定A3期刊;
2.Zhou, Dong and Xue Li*. "The Cultural Revolution and the Timing of First Marriage in China" .2021. Canadian Studies in Population.第一作者;SSCI;IF=0.7731,人口学研究领域知名期刊;
3.Deng, Weiguang, Xue Li*, Huayun Wu and Guozheng Xu. “Student Leadership Experiences and Academic Performance.” 2020. China Economic Review. 通讯作者; SSCI;中科院大类一区;IF=4.744; 院定A3期刊;
4.Cai, Guowei, Weiguang Deng* and Xue Li. “Student Leadership Experience and Job Accessibility: An Experiment from China.”2023. China Economic Review. 第三作者; SSCI;中科院大类一区;IF=4.744; 院定A3期刊;
5.Zhou, Dong, Xue Li, and Yaqin Su*.“The Impacts of Education on Domestic Violence: Evidence from China”2021. Applied Economics;第二作者;SSCI;IF=1.8351,院定A3期刊;
6.Liu, Yi, Xue Li and Sajal Lahiri*.“Determinants of Privatization in China: The Role of the Presence of Foreign Firms" 2016. China Economic Review;第二作者;SSCI;中科院大类一区;IF=4.744;院定A3期刊。
1.Deng, Weiguang, Xue Li(corresponding)and Zijun Luo. “A Model of Police Financing Through Income and Consumption Taxes” R&R at Scottish Journal of Political Economy
2. Xu Li , Andy Chung ,Xue Li ,and Junsen Zhang. “To Work or Not to Work: My Child Ranks
Dead Last in School!” Under review at China Economic Review
3. Deng, Lanfang, Xue Li (corresponding), and Yaqin Su. “How Important is Father’s Presence for Children’s Cognitive Development?” working paper
4. Deng, Weiguang, and Xue Li (corresponding). “Sleep and Academic Performance: Evidence from Random Assignment in Roommates.”working paper
5. Deng, Weiguang, Xue Li, and Junsen Zhang. “Political Status, Mating and Nepotism: Evidence from China,” 2021. working paper
6. Deng, Weiguang, Shengjun Jiang and Xue Li. “Peer Effects in Charitable Behaviors among College Students: Evidence from a Random Assignment.” 2021. Working paper
7. Deng, Weiguang,Yingmei Chen, Xue Li, and Shengxi Xue. “Familism and CEO Duality,” working paper
8. Weiguang Deng, Xue Li, and Ziying Xia. “Familism and Independent Directors”, working paper
9. Weiguang Deng and Xue Li, “Familism and Board Activeness”,working paper
11.李雪,黄俊钦和邓卫广.“计划倾向、自制力与投资行为”金融理论与实践, 2021在审
12. 李雪,夏紫莹和邓卫广.“区域要素禀赋对创新创业精神影响的实证研究”,工作论文
13. 李雪,李静妍和邓卫广,“湖南省对接粤港澳大湾区产业梯度转移的策略研究”,工作论文
14. 李雪和李耀聪.“生育二胎对婚姻稳定性的影响”, 在研
15. 李雪,邓卫广和艾洪山.“政治关联与民营企业融资结构——基于关联强度与关联类型的解释”在研