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【讲座预告】新加坡国立大学 Niyazi Taneri:Perils of Bargaining Power in R&D Licensing


讲座题目Perils of Bargaining Power in R&D Licensing

( R&D授权转让合作中的谈判力之觞 ——基于生物科技行业的实证研究)


Entering a research and development (R&D) license agreement with a partner (licensee) presents both an opportunity and a risk for an innovator (licensor). On the one hand, the partner's complementary capabilities create synergies and enhance project outcomes. On the other hand, the partner may terminate an agreement purely due to its own economic concerns, even when technical prospects are positive, which hinders project outcomes from the perspective of the innovator. In this paper, we aim to understand the complexities of how both deal value and its underlying drivers influence termination decisions. Through the analysis of an extensive dataset of over 1200 biotechnology licenses, we initially find support for the argument that larger deal value creates a higher hurdle to clear for a “go” decision, which leads to a higher likelihood of a termination. Upon further investigation, we find that this observation is due to endogeneity. There are two underlying drivers of higher deal value with two opposing effects: Intrinsic value and relative bargaining power. By inflating deal value beyond what should be paid for intrinsic value, higher relative bargaining power increases the probability of a downstream termination. In contrast, when deal value increases in its own right due to intrinsic value, the probability of a downstream termination decreases. Our findings have implications for how innovators should seek to increase deal value and how partners should set their internal incentives to avoid negative relative bargaining power effects.


Niyazi Taneri,新加坡国立大学(National University of Singapore)商学院助理教授。本科毕业于美国威斯康星大学( University of Wisconsin-Madison),硕士与博士毕业于剑桥大学(Cambridge University)。

在2016年加入新加坡国立大学之前,他曾在英国TESCO(特易购,国际三大零售企业之一)担任运营分析师,后于2012年加入新加坡科技设计大学(Singapore University of Technology & Design)任助理教授,并担任MIT-SUTD国际设计研究中心的决策学科带头人。他曾先后在美国麻省理工(MIT)、新加坡管理大学、INSEAD国际商学院任访问学者。同时,他也为很多国际著名企业项目提供过咨询服务,例如Accenture, Changi Airport Group, Google, Infineon, Panalpina, PSA, RedMart, SBS Transit, SingHealth和SMRT等。

他的主要研究兴趣是创新管理、可持续问题、契约(合同)理论 和 运营管理等。研究方法主要包括理论分析模型,实证计量,实验法等。他的论文已在顶尖期刊(UT Dallas 24)Management Science,Manufacturing & Services Operations Management上发表。


Professor Niyazi Taneri is from the Department of Analytics & Operations at NUS. He holds a BSc Degree from University of Wisconsin-Madison, and Masters and PhD Degrees from the University of Cambridge, for which he received a best PhD Dissertation Award. Prior to joining NUS, he worked at Tesco as an Operations Analyst, with CambridgeIP, a patent analytics firm, and Cambridge Antibody Technology. He also worked at Singapore University of Technology & Design, where he was the Singapore lead for the MIT-SUTD International Design Center’s Decision Making Research Thrust. There, he advised over 50 industry projects with companies such as Accenture, Changi Airport Group, Google, Infineon, Panalpina, PSA, RedMart, SBS Transit, SingHealth, and SMRT. He has held visiting positions at Singapore Management University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and INSEAD. His research focuses on Operations Management, Innovation, and Sustainability. Within these topics, he is interested in studying the relationship between operational design and strategic interaction on performance. His predominant research approach is to develop analytical models for research questions that are either normative or descriptive in nature. His papers have been published in Management Science, and Manufacturing & Service Operations Management. Niyazi received an Excellence in Teaching Award in 2016. He teaches courses in Operations Management, Operations Strategy, Data Analytics, and Decision & Risk Analysis.