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中国人民大学王湘红:Does Relative Framing and Minimum Level IncreasePublic Good Contributions?




 题:Does Relative Framing and Minimum Level IncreasePublic Good Contributions?






王湘红 中国人民大学经济学院教授。1996年博士毕业于美国卡耐基梅隆大学。曾在美国SAS研究有限公司和世界银行从事研究工作。主持多项国家自然科学基金面上项目。2014-2016年期间担任世界经济论坛全球战略委员会(Global Agenda Councils)行为分会委员。

论文发表在Quarterly Journal ofEconomics, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of EconomicPsychology,Journalof Comparative Economics,《世界经济》,《金融研究》等国际国内顶尖学术刊物上。主要研究兴趣包括用行为和实验经济学,公共政策,劳动经济学,消费行为等等。


Individual contributions topublic goods can be framed in absolute amount or as a relative proportion ofone’s income. This paper examines the effect of such framing on contributionsof group members to a public good in a laboratory experiment. The framingeffect can be resulted from shifting of reference points or fairness awareness.In our experiment, members in a group have high and low two endowments typesand they play public good games both without and with minimum contributionlevels (MCLs). As a treatment, both the contribution metric and MCLs areexpressed either in absolute amount or as a relative proportion of a groupmember’s endowment. The MCL is different in absolute amount for the high andlow type members, but it is the same proportion of their endowments for the twotypes. The number of high endowment members also varies as a treatment to groupcomposition. We find some important results that are consistent with ourhypotheses. First, without MCL, the relative metric significantly reducescontributions, especially for the low types; the reduction also comes from morefree riders. Second, the introduction of MCL significantly increases contributions.Third, the relative framing of MCL increases contributions more than the absoluteMCL, therefore the difference between absolute condition and relative conditionalmost disappear after MCL is introduced. Fourth, the average group contributionis increased by the number of high type members in a group. We discuss theoriesand implications of these findings.


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