暨南大学邱筠:Too hot to focus: the mean and distributional effects of high temperature on labor productivity

题目:Too hot to focus: the mean and distributional effects of high temperature on labor productivity
主讲:邱筠,女,美国俄亥俄州立大学应用经济学博士。现任暨南大学经济与社会研究院助理教授,主要研究领域为环境经济学,论文发表于Journal of Environmental Economics and Management等环境经济领域顶级期刊,担任Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, China Economic Review等国际期刊匿名审稿人。
时间:2019年5月14日下午2:30 – 3:30
摘要:We examine the effect of short-run temperature on labor productivity using a longitudinal dataset of Chinese professional archery athletes that covers all the competition records from 2010 to 2016. Exploiting random fluctuations of weather across competitions, we identify the effect of heat index in athlete-fixed effects models, finding an inverted U-shaped relationship between heat index and athlete productivity. Temperatures outside the comfortable range can significantly decrease archers' scores. Extreme heat also significantly increases the spread of athlete scores. The productivity loss from extreme heat is greater for athletes with lower abilities, lower stability levels, or less experience. Experience of moderately high temperature prior to competition mitigates part of the heat impact on competition day, and athletes trained in hotter areas or the competition province suffer significantly less impact from extreme heat. Additionally, high temperatures significantly increase the dropout probability of athletes despite the low percentage of dropouts in our data. Our findings have important implications for professional athletes who engage in outdoor sports, for jobs that highly rely on concentration and stability, and for developing countries with many outdoor workers.
主持人:华岳 (威廉希尔williamhill 经济学系 副教授;俄亥俄州立大学农业、环境与发展经济学系(AEDE)经济学博士)