讲座题目:Unawareness of Unhealthiness, Information Provision, and Health Insurance Participation among the Elderly

新加坡国立大学校聘助理教授。之前,黄博士是国家经济研究局(NBER)博士后研究员。黄博士于二零一六年获得哈佛大学经济学博士学位,于二零一一年获得北京大学国家发展学院经济学硕士学位,于二零零八年获得北京大学物理学院物理学学士学位。他的研究领域是公共经济学,劳动经济学和卫生经济学。他的研究兴趣在健康,教育,种族和中国等领域。他的研究成果已发表在Review of Economic and Statistics, Journal of Labor Economics, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, Nature, Journal of Economic Perspectives等学术刊物上。同时,他是Economics of Transition杂志的联合主编,德国劳动经济研究所(IZA)研究员,江西财经大学海外讲座教授。
主持人:邓卫广 助理教授
People may be unaware of their unhealthiness thus make sub-optimal decisions in insurance participation. Using national representative samples of the elderly in the US and China, we find that unawareness of unhealthiness is a salient issue among the seniors in both countries, especially those with lower education and poorer health, and is significantly associated with less insurance participation. More importantly, sound evidence from regression discontinuity design (RDD) shows that updated health information provision through physical examination leads to higher insurance participation among those who are unaware of unhealthiness; but no significant evidence suggests that health insurance provision improves individual awareness of health problems. These findings highlight an important role of health information in insurance participation and help to explain the phenomena such as insufficient participation among poor people and advantageous selection in health insurance.
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3. Richard Freeman and Huang, Wei (2015), "Collaborating with People Like Me: Ethnic Co-authorship within the US," Journal of Labor Economics, 33, S1, S289-S318
4. Huang, Wei, Xiaoyan Lei, Geert Ridder, John Strauss and Yaohui Zhao (2013), "Health, Height, Height Shrinkage, and SES at Older Ages: Evidence from China," American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 5, 2, 86-121