主持人:徐航天 副教授、经理助理
陈志远:宾州州立大学经济学博士生(预计2020年毕业),于2013年和2017年获得中国人民大学经济学学士和硕士学位。研究领域是产业经济学,国际贸易和发展经济学。研究兴趣包括企业创新,生产率测算,和中国经济。研究成果发表于European Economic Review, Economic Modelling, International Review of Economics & Finance, 经济研究,经济学(季刊),世界经济等刊物。论文曾获第七届张培刚发展经济学优秀论文奖和第18届安子介国际贸易论文三等奖。
Title: Made and Created in China: Super Processors and Two-way Heterogeneity
In this paper, we show that there exists a special breed of firms that are active in both ordinary and processing exports. Contrary to the existing literature that describes processing firms as inferior, these mixed firms are superior to other firms in multiple dimensions, and hence we call them “super processors.” We build on Antras et al. (2017) and Bernard et al. (2019) to develop a model in which firms are heterogeneous in multiple stages of production. Firms endogenously choose to become suppliers or final good producers, with those that excel in both manufacturing ability and blueprint quality engage in both activities. We test the theory by exploiting the adoption of the pilot “paperless” processing trade supervision programme by regional customs authorities in China that lowered the cost of processing trade but left ordinary trade costs unchanged. We find that facilitating processing exports induces productive domestic downstream firms to establish their own trademarks. Our results highlight that processing trade not only leads goods to be “Made in China,” but also “Created in China.”